Words back from Banshee. Apparently the editors figured out where I have my blog–not that I make a secret of it–and read the post I put up: “All rights (I read your blog – nosy, aren’t I?) remain with the author – we put a copyright statement at the end of each piece with the […]
Pointless reply. Oh well. A forewarning of sex and uncomfortable issues. I read a couple of useless tirades–located at a bastion of geekines—over Lee’s shoulder last night: here are the things, they claimed, that men just wish women would know. And I went through the same cycle I always go through: humor, anger, self-questioning, more
Snippets are addictive. Please note: wrassling with bebe foots and finners as I type. If more things happened to me on a daily basis, I wouldn’t have such an overactive imagination. Not that anybody would believe me if I said I’d been abducted by aliens at this point. So. I find myself sitting in front
Snippet: All the Things You Fear The fear of nightmares, of monsters under the bed, of the boogeyman in the closet: those are childhood fears. Childhood fears evolve, don’t they? One fears spiders, snakes, dogs, heights, enclosed spaces… Or of things more exotic. No matter. The little old woman cowering before me, humpbacked and–what’s the
Snippet: Virgo, Inc. The first thing we did when the wyrmhole opened past Pluto was send probes, which were destroyed and sent back. Looked like that damn’ things’d been chewed on. Second thing we did was send more probes. Ditto. Third thing we did was…you get the picture. Enter the entrepreneur Silas T. Barnum, founder
Snippet: On the Way to the Ladies’ Room at the Silver Streak Café Memory, that is, the sprint of electricity from one neuron to another, takes shortcuts. At first memories (especially the painful ones) take as long as the event itself; by the time you’ve let twenty-two years go by, they’re a bare moment, a