Something cool for anyone who reads, and who reads comics: Have you read Sandman? Do you remember Gilbert, a.k.a. Fiddler’s Green? Unfortumately, I’m having trouble finding a picture of him, so you’ll just have to visualise him. Check this out. Apparently G. K. Chesterton was a man who delighted in theological paradoxes, and “…was a […]
Finished first draft yesterday, considering the inclusion of a beastly pun…no, I guess I’m not so much considering it as sniggering over the sounds I anticipate from my husband when he reads it. Goal: type out first draft, print (I wrote it out longhand. I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but it’s
Goal of the day: finish first draft of current story, “The Name of the Feather.” Actually, the first draft has been previously completed, but I tossed it. It was…dare I say it? It was too smart-assed. Spent yesterday outlining the current first draft; sat down this morning and wrote most of the first draft in