2013 Writing Stats
Submissions: 204. Acceptances: 13 (pro sales: 1). Words written (fiction only): 549,246 (goal 365,000!). Indie books/stories published: 12. Hair pulled out: lots.
2013 Writing Stats Read More »
Submissions: 204. Acceptances: 13 (pro sales: 1). Words written (fiction only): 549,246 (goal 365,000!). Indie books/stories published: 12. Hair pulled out: lots.
2013 Writing Stats Read More »
I was going to be all contrary and write about something that had nothing to do with the new year…but what I really want to write about are my goals. I forget where I read it, sadly, but I saw a blog criticizing the way most people set goals: “as if Freud had never existed.” Which
2014: What about Freud? Read More »
I used to work at Wells Fargo in the Home Equity department as an auditor, so I had to learn the process backward and forward so people didn’t call me out for dinging the wrong things. Fair enough. One of the things we did was look over appraisals. In the appraisal, there were usually 3-5
What with all the ups and downs lately, I’ve had to deal a lot with depression. I mean, first I was going out of freelancing…now I’m not. You’d think that that was a good thing–and it is–but I think the change in hope vs. despair is what triggers depression for me, and it was a
Under the basement…down in the dark… Elly always gets stuck with entertaining her relatives while their parents talk to her mom. Blah, blah, blah. It goes on for hours. But this time, she worked and worked to make a special surprise for her visiting cousins…a haunted house in the basement! With a super-duper, extra-gross surprise
Cover Update: The Secret of the Cellar Read More »
A writer torn between two genres, two worlds…and Horror always cheats. If only the best writer of his generation, Richard O’Shea, had come down clearly on one side or the other between the horror and fantasy genres, none of this would have happened. But he didn’t, and now both worlds play dirty to get his
Now (or soon) available at Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, Apple, Kobo, Powell’s, and more. What if cats were really there to guard your dreams? Lost in the Forest of Dreams, the dashing, handsome cat Ferntail must rescue his human girl from her horrible nightmares, nightmares that come from outside her mind. Will a mysterious and beautiful cat from The Society
Cover Update: The Society of Secret Cats Read More »
Mr. Hightower snorted. “At any rate, it’s only you, dear Rachael, that we need, not these others. They can go.” Returning home again after the terrible events at Xanadu House, Rachael Baptiste has learned not to trust humans…because they might be part of the Lighthouse Parents, a hostile group out to arrest and destroy the Exotics.
New Kids’ Fiction: Exotics #3: The Subterranean Sanctuary Read More »
Now availabe at B&N, Amazon, Smashwords, Apple, Kobo, Powell’s and more. When everyone else looks at “The Mirror of the World Without You,” they see art–art that removes them from reality. When Thomas looks at it, he sees technology…and danger to the artist behind it. He offers Maxine a sweet deal to come and work for his VR company,
New Cover: Blind Spot Read More »
“Oracle of Strangers” is available at B&N, Amazon, Smashwords, Apple, Kobo, Powell’s and more. Didi can find anything she wants…except friendship. Wherever she goes, strangers tell her how to locate anything, from the perfect pair of jeans to carrying out the perfect crime. But love? Friendship? Her power can’t seem to handle things that most people find easy. When her
New Fiction: Oracle of Strangers Read More »