The Scaredy Wizard of Theornin with the updated cover available at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Apple, and Smashwords so far.

I decided that I missed my cover updates, so I did one. I’m not sure whether I’ll leave this one forever, but…Ray liked it better than the old one, so it stays for now.
This one is a high fantasy short story for middle-grade/preteen readers featuring a kickbutt heroine who has a certain disregard for the property of other people. Including wizards.
Hey DeAnna,
I just wanted to share my OH so very humble opinion on the cover. First off it is fantastical. It rocks to the highest place of rock. SO I guess that would be Everest, right? I want to note that I have absolutely no experience in publishing…this is just coming from the aesthetic craving part of my brain. Is there going to be any color? From personal experience, I am drawn to a cover with some hues. Furthermore, I may also be the .025 percent of the population that is. Just was hoping to be constructive.I haven’t read this book (yet), so it may be that it’s related to the story somehow. Love you by the way. Still contemplating your workshop from PPWC.
This made me laugh for some reason. AUGH! The oppression of the color-biased!