Blog vs. Yard. Sorry. The yard’s been calling. 1) Nothing is wrong. 2) Although I can’t think of any stupid jokes off the top of my head. 3) But one’s bound to hit me eventually.
Project. The Internet Book List project is trying to complile reviews of books and recommendations. A worthy project…demaning more shelf-space, of course. Note: I already found a series I want to read: Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer. The reviewer said, “Artemis Fowl is the Harry Potter of the fairy world although more scheming, devious and
War. Probably I should just keep my mouth shut, but there you go. I’d like to accomplish the supposed goals that the Iraqi war would attempt to accomplish. I think Saddam–if not just a frontman for larger interests–has been trying to undermine UN authority for decades; I think his efforts are escalating; I think it’s
Some links. This is bad. One of my purposes here has been to focus on original content, and here I am, putting up words and now…links. Well. Librarian Pick-up lines. “My mom was a librarian, she taught me everyone should have access to my stacks.” Via Bookslut. My kinda place. And more on the unrelated-to-sex