Can’t find your favorite authors at your library ebook site?

Great!  Because the publishers don’t want you to.

Pikes Peak Library District is calling out big publishers about not providing library copies of ebooks…or charging over $100 a copy…or only letting the library check out the book 26 times before they charge the library for a new copy.

See their Facebook NOT eNOUGH page for a form letter to send to your favorite publisher today!

Or just pull off a copy of the letter here:

Join our letter-writing campaign!

Is your favorite author here?
Penguin Group (
Hachette Book Group (
Simon & Schuster (
Macmillan (

Send them this letter.

Ms./Mr. <insert author’s name>;

As a patron and supporter of libraries, I have long appreciated the opportunities that technology has granted libraries in the pursuit of providing information and entertainment to their patrons. The fact that we can access information 24/7 through our library’s website equates to a service of inestimable proportion. Likewise, the opportunity for libraries to share electronic copies of books – both in text and audio format – has been a great boon to the public’s ability to access information. Electronic reading devices, as you are well aware, are now a massive part of the way many people consume literature and information, and libraries need to be able to provide that content as they have always done. Over the last two years, the demand for eBooks has grown by leaps and bounds, and many library patrons are moving to eReaders as their choice for content delivery.

With that said, I want to express my displeasure with your publisher, <insert publisher’s name>. Rather than helping their longtime partners, public libraries, this publisher (and others like it) will not sell to public libraries. This disenfranchises public library users and cuts them off from your work. Patrons request that libraries provide this content constantly, but libraries have no recourse but to turn them away. Given the explosive growth of e-content, if public libraries cannot meet the needs of their patrons, libraries have less value in our communities. These publishers are, in effect, engaged in business practices directly detrimental to the survival of the public library in this country.

I understand that publishers are nervous about their property and intellectual rights – and authors are, too. What I do NOT understand, however, is why your publisher is apparently refusing to work with libraries at all in regard to e-content. There is already a secure DRM (Digital Rights Management) solution provided by all providers of e-content to libraries. I cannot believe that you, a popular author, do not want the public reading your materials, or to be able to borrow your materials, through the method that they prefer: from a public library.

I would ask you, as a prominent author, to bring pressure to bear on your publisher to open their e-content to public libraries. Failure to do so will deny public library patrons like myself access to your materials and other valuable content in the format that they desire. If the libraries of the future cannot provide content to patrons, they will truly die. That will be a very sad day for this country and for those who depend on the equitable access to information that they provide.

<insert your name>

Pick your author, google them, and send them a nice letter.  More than likely, the author’s already on your side…and has a more direct line to the editors than you do.

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