Ha! On the one hand, this is a no-brainer; on the other it’s very cool. I sent one of my younger sisters home with A Swiftly Tilting Planet, by Madeleine L’Engle, over the fourth of July weekend. This is the sister that says little and Never Ever writes email. She wrote me an email saying […]
Raynews. Cute bebe news is always apprectiated, right? She’s sleeping through the night. In her own bed. Ahhhhhhh. I’m catching up on 10 1/2 months of sleep loss. Uninterrupted sleep. Wow. She’s getting steaily more steady. She can walk on her own and hold your finger for a little support, and she can walk all
Weaseling around the edges. I’ve mentioned that I’ve been transitioned to a new position at work — to QC, actually. So far, everything’s fine with the people on the floor. My partner and I have been working our butts off to give feedback, do research on questions, even putting out a cute little newsletter so
Dream, 09/04/02. Not in any way true. Disturbing. My brother (just your basic brother, neither one of my real brothers) tells me, “Dad’s been beating Mom.” I go to my parent’s house, not their real house, and go into their bedroom. Mom’s moving out, but nobody’s told me about it. Everything of hers is in
Editing(Warning: Language) (Warning: this is an ongoing draft of something it’ll probably take the rest of my life or a book contract to complete.) (For Joe) So you just finished descing your new character, typing your resume, or hammering out your latest essay for that #$@# required English class. You’re convinced it’s crap, but there’s
Chick List Call for help: if you happen to think of it, please send me an email at dust@bears-cave.com or leave me a comment. I’m looking for writers to recommend to chicks. They can be male or female, of any genre, of any particular quality, but must have good female characters that chicks can relate