Ah ah ah ah ah! With no warning whatsoever, our nearly-eighteen month daughter started trying to count a couple of days ago. Um, soo, shee, seden, yay! Soo, shee, soo, shee, um, yay! The rythm of the words is just right, and she’s usually pointing at one thing after another or doing one thing after […]
Neil Gaiman. Via his website: And our bizarre but oracular word for today is gyromancy – 1557, from M.L. gyromantia, from Gk. gyyros “circle” + manteia “divination, oracle.” “A method of divination by walking in a circle till the person fell down from dizziness, the inference being drawn from the place in the circle at
Reviews. Being thusly a slow De-newsweek, I present to you some reviews: The Riddle-Master of Hed series, by Patricia McKillip. Door Number Three, by Patrick O’Brien Golden Witchbreed, by Mary Gentle Wizard’s First Rule, by Terry Goodkind The Riddle-Master of Hed Series. I’m trying to catch up on some classic fantasy. Maybe I’m just in
Quick Notes. There’s a monster cold going around our house; Ray sounds terrible and Lee doesn’t sound much better. As for me, well, I’m fine. The yard is about 75% ready for flowers, but it’s supposed to snow sometime this week, so I’ll wait and fiddle with the fiddly things. The story is moving, albeit