Fried. Mental survival due to Lee, Ray, hot chocolate, and loud music over the headphones at work.
Book Review. Watching My Language, by William Safire. William Safire writes a column for the New York Times on language. This is a collection of them. The main thing that I’m taking away from this book is the idea that grammar isn’t fixed, constant, or even consistent from expert to expert. Yes, it’s possible to
The Court Jester. “Those who try to tangle with my derring-do, wind up at the angle that herring do. They hold their heads like very dead herring do.” I love that movie. PBS Saturday and Sunday afternoons, spent watching black and white movies. The Court Jester. Ivanhoe. And we knew when pledge week was on,
Aha! Not a major epiphany. Not enlightenment. But a victory! Making dense cheesecase, you don’t really need a full crust to hold everything together–you just need some way of easing the thing out of the pan. So: Brush the pan with melted butter. Scatter graham cracker crumbs on the butter, about 3-4 Tbs. or so,
Book Reviews. Summer of the Dragon, Elizabeth Peters, Monstrous Regiment, Terry Pratchett Elizabeth Peters is a mystery writer. She writes “perfect” novels–beginning, middle, end, all items neatly resolved at the end of the last page. The world extends just as far as the front and back covers. So, as far as it went, Summer of