DeAnna Knippling

Interrupting Depression: But being numb feels better than taking care of myself…

I’m struggling with an anxiety/depression cycle (again).  Part of the problem is that when I take care of myself, I feel my anxiety or depression more acutely than I did before I started taking care of myself. Numbness.  It’s comforting. I try to tell myself that it takes energy to feel numb, not the deadness

Interrupting Depression: But being numb feels better than taking care of myself… Read More »

Denver Botanic Gardens

dragonflies, spider silk green ripples on black water below the mirror–goldfish the undersides of branches shimmer. a bird calls desperately –across the pond, a woman plays a mating call off her phone. dragonfly plays copyeditor over the shadows dancing on my page …It was a good day.  I also saw a bonsai tree shaped like

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Cookie Butter Cookies

The last time I went to Trader Joe’s, I found myself standing in front of a display of cookie butter cookies.  These are like recursive cookies. I wonder if they’re any good. A woman reached past my shoulder to grab a box, as you do at Trader Joe’s, because Trader Joe’s is all about catering to

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