DeAnna Knippling

Blog header image for Safe Places article, showing a cottage in a forest surrounded by dandelions

What Makes for Safe Spaces?

What makes for safe spaces? What makes people feel safe? What is safety, relatively speaking? I didn’t grow up with a sense of safety. My world revolved around keeping certain people happy from a very young age, and around finding ways to step between certain people and those who needed protection more than I did–which

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Ipseities Anthology Blog Header - a mysterious figure silhouetted in an alien moon

New Release: Ipseities

Ipseities: A Collection of Unclassifiable Compositions Eleven visionary indie writers deconstruct The Human Condition in this mind-bending collection of short stories in a variety of genres. Each of these unique voices explores a divergent world as unnerving as it is unknown, unsettling, and unresolved. These stories are guaranteed to take up residence in your head.

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Featured image for blog post about Independence Day, two children watching fireworks

Independence Day

When I wrote this, it was the day after the fourth of July, the U.S. holiday known as Independence Day, when we’re supposed to celebrate by getting together for potlucks and barbecues, and by setting off fireworks. I’ve always had a weird feeling about the day. Like something was off. I like fireworks, quite a

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