Published! Word came in today that I’m going to be published in the September issue of Toasted Cheese. I will, of course, remind y’all on THE DAY. The story is the flash fiction piece, “Games.” The other good news is that my brothers are in town. Ray took one look at the older (and now, […]
Ramble of the day. I’ve been thinking about quests lately. I haven’t read enough of Joseph Campbell’s stuff, so let me know if I’m reinventing the wheel here. Two traits of a quest: motive for quest and object of quest, i.e., “to save the world” and “magic sword.” I’m trying to work out some realistic,
Fingers crossed, pointed shoes not dropping… Joe and his roomie have come to the point of irreconcilable differences. (Having decided that the differences are irreconcileable, Joe’s started on the admirable work of getting over it. Most impressive.) The roomie is moving out. Unless some other shoe drops and crushes the house (in a strange reversal
Raynotes. Here are some things I want to remember: She and the cat get along now. She’ll sit beside the cat and pat him (not gently) until…well, pretty much until she gets so excited that she throws herself over backwards and lies there giggling to herself. She tongue-kisses herself in the mirror whenever we put
Reviews. The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster; Orthodoxy, by G.K. Chesterton, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by J.K. Rowling. The Phantom Tollbooth. I was first introduced to Norton Juster by my younger brother, Andy, who, when faced with the task of finding me a birthday present a couple of years ago, wandered