After much delay, the pulp/adventure/horror short story anthology Into the Briny Deep is here!!!!
Come sail away, come sail away…
…on a quest to find sea monsters!
Ten tales about mysterious watery creatures, gods of the sea, aquatic aliens, and a couple of mermaids you do not want to meet. Under the water, in a boat, or just hanging out on the shore, these monsters are playing with all tentacles.
Grab your scuba gear, start the motor, or sling on your jetpack. Whether you’re flying far above the water (and hopefully aren’t low on fuel!), catching a wave on your surfboard, or diving down, down, to the dark, cold depths of the ocean, we’ve got the monster for you!
So strap on your water wings and jump in—the water’s f-i-i-i-ne!
Featuring stories by:
J.F. Penn · Charles Eugene Anderson & Jim LeMay · Lee Allred · DeAnna Knippling · Brigid Collins · Travis Heermann · P.D. Cacek · Grayson Towler · Alethea Kontis · Jamie Ferguson
Amazing Monster Tales is a series of monster anthologies full of fast-paced action-adventure stories. Whether you love monsters or fear them, they are the coolest! This series features a mix of classic monsters and monsters that you’ve never seen before!
Look for MONSTERS IN LOVE…who says monsters can’t be romantic?