Beyond Space and Time: Interview with DeAnna Knippling

A wanderer in darkness, she followed an eccentric orbit, each new disturbance angling her closer to some long-awaited rendezvous. She could only hope that when the moment came, she’d be wise enough to know it, and brave enough to act.–Matt Ruff

Welcome to the Big Time StoryBundle, where you can find ten books on time travel and all things weird and timey wimey. Pay $5 for four ebooks, or a minimum of $15 to unlock all 10 ebooks. Once you purchase, you will be sent download links for your ebooks. More info about this StoryBundle is here.

This StoryBundle helps send money toward the Oregon Food Bank, which has been hit particularly hard due to the Oregon wildfires in the area, as well as the increased need from COVID-19.

But unless you’re a time traveler, don’t wait! Because a stitch in time…saves on ten excellent ebooks!

Beyond Space and Time: An Interview with DeAnna Knippling

DeAnna Knippling is me 🙂 I almost forgot to post my own interview!

1. Tell us about your book. What’s it about, and how does time travel or other timey wimey weirdness fit into your book?

The House Without a Summer is my version of how a collapse of space and time might work, or not work, in a multiverse. It’s what happens when the wealthiest man in all of Britain decides he’s going to cordon off his own private bubble in time, damn the cost, and might be a little influenced by certain recent events. 1816 really didn’t have a summer; a volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora the previous year dumped so much volcanic ash in the skies that the entire world suffered.

2. What is one of your favorite time-related works? (Fiction, non-fiction, games, etc. all count!)

My favorite is the Bioshock series, particularly Bioshock Infinite.

There’s always a lighthouse. There’s always a man. There’s always a city.

3. What is one of your favorite songs featuring time? Or, if you used a theme song/playlist for your work, what was it?

I normally have a playlist, that is, a list of multiple songs. But this entire book was writte to one song, “Cascade,” by Peter Murphy.

My favorite song about time, though, is “Time in a Bottle,” by Jim Croce.


DeAnna Knippling has a browser history full of murder, gore, and Victorian street maps. She has ambitions to have that house, the one where people laugh nervously and say, “It’s not real, is it?” and spread rumors of a secret room in the basement. She loves crows, cheese, chokecherry jam, and hot sauce, but not all at once. She has been published in Black Static, Three-Lobed Burning Eye, AliterateCrossed GenresCast Macabre, The Fog HornPenumbraBig PulpHorror Without Victims, and more. You can find her in Colorado, on her website at, or on Facebook.


Give space and time a shake with DeAnna Knippling’s The House Without a Summer and other tales at StoryBundle!

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