- Came home from work and took a nap until Ray woke me up to take her to skating. Like getting up for band trips all over again. RUN! #
- RT @Dabeak If Kellogs…talked to students about good choices…and the mascot was a Shredded Wheat guys, Would that be good moral fiber? #
- Sorry, had to trim that one, too long w/ Andy's handle on it. #
- The best time to send Stormwater Enterprise bill is NOT right before an election involving the question of whether it's legal or not. #
- Time for the next PPW brag sheet. Send me a message of some kind if you have any previously-unbragged brags from 1 Aug to 1 Jan. #
- Amen. RT @Three_Star_Dave Okay, it's parent-dorky to be excited about K's solo in the 4th Grade Concert. But I am. So there. #
- RT @DaphneUn …we did the Time Warp in Nia, and the recording of the song we used changed "pelvic thrust" to something else. Why?!? #
- I got Yotsuba&! #6, Boneshaker, and In Green's Jungles (Gene Wolfe) today. Yotsuba was devoured pre-nap. #
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