Here’s the thing about editorial changes:
If you could have done it right the first time, you would have.
This is hard for editors to understand; I know, because I’ve taken the same attitude toward my editorial clients that my ghostwriting clients have taken toward me:
But it’s not that big of a change…just try it before you get all melodramatic, FFS!
But if the writer could have done it right the first time, they would have. Edits require changing your mind. Not just “oh, I suppose I’ll have the club sandwich instead of the hamburger.” But going in, hacking how you think, and coming back as someone slightly different.
In a lot of cases, that’s a good thing. But a) it’s a big deal, and b) how do we know when the edits that people are asking for aren’t just complete b.s. until it’s too late? When it comes to writing, what is “right,” anyway?
What kind of information does the writer need in order to be convinced to change their mind?
I have a new novella out! The first entry in the cheesy ’80s horror-fae series is up: By Dawn’s Bloody Light. Three women go on a hunt for a supernatural serial killer, assisted by a supernatural presence that may have been haunting the town for generations…