Huzzah! I went to Scooby Doo 2. I laughed ’till I cried. Yeah, I can pick it apart; I can pick anything apart. I still laughed ’till I cried. Note on SMG: Yes, she’s a bitch. I like her. She’s a bitch.
Novel update. It’s going. I’m still working on the “clear-up-confusion” draft. My goal is to get that done by June. I haven’t covered much; the going seems even slower because I’m cutting so much crap out of the beginning that I’m on page twenty–but I’ve cut eight pages off the total. Other updates: Ray peed
More thumb-twiddling. I had my first interview for the other job today–the QC one. Again, no news. Funny. Way too many people applied for this job (versus the other one), so the guy weeded out people with questionnaires. One of the instructions on one of the questionnaires was to use a specific font, color, and