Hate. I have an image of the kind of hate you get after a breakup or a divorce as a small piece of dead or dying love that’s used to innoculate yourself against reinfection. Sad. The way infatuation can turn into love, this kind of brief hate can turn so deep that you can’t remember […]

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Goal accomplished. “Customer Service” now In the Mail, and under my own name. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about online submissions. I’ll see when I get there. I don’t really write all that much erotica. Erotica Readers (and Writers) Association is a good site — it’s where I found out about the

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Goal of the day: format erotica story “Customer Service” for print. Learn lesson: if you choose to reformat out of standard manuscript format, save it to a different file! I’m debating whether to submit the story under my own name or a pseudonym.. I don’t think it’s such a big deal for print (and the

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Rachael had her 4 mo. checkup two days ago, a little off-schedule due to a funeral and a cold. She’s 26 1/2 inches long, and weighs 15 lbs. 14 oz, both of which are high (over 90 percentile) for female babies at four months. That’s the good news. The ummm…news is that she has asymetrical

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Article for work completed…what, ahead of schedule? Lee read “Feather” yesterday and didn’t like it. He said it was well-written, but… Now I have to wonder if it’s just that he didn’t like it, or that the story wasn’t likeable or accessible. I asked him for more comments, but I fell asleep. It’s been a

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Goal finished, pun included. Wonderful, superlative, inhumanly (and I mean that literally) sexy, and magnificent spouse has not read it yet. Goal for the next 1-2 days: write article for work. Purchased Sword & Claw by Gene Wolfe yesterday as co-gift to self and spouse. Gene Wolfe…like Brian Aldiss, he’s one of those writers I

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Something cool for anyone who reads, and who reads comics: Have you read Sandman? Do you remember Gilbert, a.k.a. Fiddler’s Green? Unfortumately, I’m having trouble finding a picture of him, so you’ll just have to visualise him. Check this out. Apparently G. K. Chesterton was a man who delighted in theological paradoxes, and “…was a

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I have a problem figuring out my audience for stories that I write. It makes a huge difference for me–and if I don’t have an audience in mind, I tend to write stories for myself. Most of the time, this is a bad thing. Most people aren’t fascinated by the same things I am, and

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Goals: not accomplished. I finished the outline for the work stuff at work; no biggie. But every time I sat down to type out that first draft, Ray decided to do something cute. Ooooh, very cute. Mostly her new thing is to fold her hands together as if she’s praying, and then shake them forward

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Well, rather than put it off and stress myself out over it, I’m going to start writing e-mails letting people know that I have this up and going. I hate announcing things. You know, for a person with such arrogant self-confidence in my destiny (and oh, yes, I am going to be a writer…a mid-list

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