Snippet: Virgo, Inc. The first thing we did when the wyrmhole opened past Pluto was send probes, which were destroyed and sent back. Looked like that damn’ things’d been chewed on. Second thing we did was send more probes. Ditto. Third thing we did was…you get the picture. Enter the entrepreneur Silas T. Barnum, founder […]
Snippet: On the Way to the Ladies’ Room at the Silver Streak Café Memory, that is, the sprint of electricity from one neuron to another, takes shortcuts. At first memories (especially the painful ones) take as long as the event itself; by the time you’ve let twenty-two years go by, they’re a bare moment, a
Rejection, Canadian-style. I just got a rejection letter from Alley Cat publishing re: erotica story, “Customer Service”: “The story is well written & creative and I like the humour but it goes too far over the top (not sexually) but stylistically, at least for our purposes.” Deadline for submissions: March 31st. Postmark on letter: April
Moooovies. Osmosis Jones, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Thirteen Ghosts, Domestic Disturbance, Like Water for Chocolate. Osmosis Jones. This, my friends, is a movie for all ages, unless you’re the age where you don’t have a sense of humor. My only caveat is that you should make sure you brush and floss before watching
Murder, mystery, and suspense. Lately, one of my projects is to read up in the mystery field. When I was a kid, my parents got me a subscription to Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, which, I’m happy to say, is still running. While I liked the magazine, I eventually dug myself so deeply into sci-fi, fantasy,
More Zoo. Please note: all of this occurs while in the possession of giraffe crackers. So the first animal Ray sees is a yellow-bellied marmot. Scratch that. She ignores the marmot. I’m a little nervous…perhaps she’s too young for the zoo. The first animals Ray sees is a pair of oriental otters who come right
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. After two days of roundabout hijinx, we go to the zoo on Thursday and purchase a season pass. Bebe’s first trip to the zoo! It’s springtime. This means two things: the zoo hasn’t geared up for the summer crowd yet. And…well…it’s spring. There are things they don’t tell you about spring in