Reviews. V for Vendetta, Issola V for Vendetta, Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Good. Don’t get me wrong. Very good. Not quite good enough. I don’t buy the characters and plotlines the way I could the ones in Watchman. I didn’t care about the whole thing nearly as much. I wasn’t awestruck by literary genius. […]
The Writing LIfe. You know, there was a big frou frou when people switched from typewriters to word processors. And there’s been another frou frou about contractual rights pertaining to the internet (when a print mag buys FNASR, First North American Serial Rights, does that cover the internet? Are people who are buying stories paying
Neat! I always knew those Canadians kicked ass. On Spec is a Canadian SciFi print magazine that has graciously posted a list of Thou-shalt-nots and the related Turkey City Lexicon. But here’s the cool stuff. My brother-in-law Mike (hi, Mike!) gave us a copy of the book Complete Idiot’s Guid to Publishing Science Fiction. I
Mrs. Kurtz, On Hold, part the fourth. Note: The hubby’s name has been changed to Marcus. Mrs. Kurtz squealed. “Marcus!” “What about it, woman? Can’t you see I’m busy?” Marcus flipped through a copy of the TV Guide. “Fine,” she said. He wanted to watch cable television when he could have been using the internet,