Review. Anthem, Ayn Rand. Given a choice between Anthem and Atlas Shrugged, which would you pick? I know, I know, I make the same choices when it comes to Bartleby the Scrivner and Moby Dick, and Finnegan’s Wake and Ulysses. I read the slim volume that isn’t the masterpiece. And in some cases I’m probably […]
Anniversary. So, yesterday Lee looks me deeply in the eyes (OUCH!) and says, “Uh, did we pass our anniversary?” I said, “You know what, I think it’s tomorrow.” “How long has it been, three years?” “There’s that thing on the wall that says ’98. Four years.” “Four years? That’s kind of scary.” “Well, we’ve been
Surprise. Last Saturday, some kind of miraculous day off that we both had off (!), Lee gave me a surprise. First, he disappeared for a few hours with the bebe. Then, he reappeared (with the bebe), and disappeared for several hours downstairs. Finally, he reappeared again. With a pinata. Very cute, purple dinosaur (not that
Grey Hill notes. The title is “The Things You Do Are Magic,” but that’s just too damn long to write out all the time in your brain, let alone paper. Ramble, ramble, ramble. A little sketchy history: South Dakota used to have lots of country schools. The government (I’m not sure what branch or branches)
Reviews. I’m behind the times. Sue me. Monsters, Inc., Brotherhood III, The Wrath of Khan, and just to be insightfully perverse, a rambly pambly about Steven R. Donaldson. Monsters, Inc. I was so ready not to like this movie. I don’t know why. And I haven’t been in a mood to watch movies lately. But