Rayup. Her growth curve appears to be slowing down a little. 30 inches, 20 lbs 13 oz. I asked the Dr. about Ray grinding her teeth, and the Dr. said not to worry about it. All appears to be well with the bebe!
Denver. Despite being a very good girl for a teething, sniffling bebe, Ray drove me up the wall yesterday. She was great over at the Testerman’s. Two (big) dogs romped all over with her, she opened (after a few belly-flops onto the package) her birthday present (including a shirt with a fuzzy bear that she
Suckage. Eesh. The folks I work for have introduced a new product…something that was supposedly going to change our workload from 300 apps a day to a thousand. We laughed. Shouldn’t have. We’re up to 600-750 apps. a day. Workload capacity before product: 400 apps. Walkouts since product introduced: 2 people, or approximately 60 files.
Ins and outs, ups and downs. Out: Name of the Feather, by yours truly, to Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine. In: Things You Don’t Want… from Wierd Tales, with a subtle put-down “so what’s the point” letter. Since Lee passed Things You Don’t Want as wierd-but-good, I’ll take the rejection as being a) too literary or