Denver. Despite being a very good girl for a teething, sniffling bebe, Ray drove me up the wall yesterday.

She was great over at the Testerman’s. Two (big) dogs romped all over with her, she opened (after a few belly-flops onto the package) her birthday present (including a shirt with a fuzzy bear that she petted and talked to), she didn’t fall down any stairs, etc. But by the time we went over to the Hill-Kleerups, it was naptime, and she had no intentions of taking one. She did eventually sleep for about half an hour, but this was after I was nearly in tears.

Lesson du jour. Bebes who are good at taking naps at home may not be very good at taking naps anywhere else. Time to adjust the home routine if I want to go out more…

Anyway, Lee and I had a good time. I usually have a hard time meeting people I don’t know (ask anyone who’s had to wait a week or two to get a word out of me), but Dave, Margie, and Katherine were very good about making everyone feel welcome. We played a “living campaign” type module* of Pulp Adventures** — if you want to check out the game, it’s at Writeup to follow, if it so pleases the muse.

And many thanks to Justin, who good-naturedly weathered all children, dogs, and toy tragedies.

*I’m not too familiar with the exact details, but from what I gather, a living campaign is a campaign shared across a large number/area of gamers. The campaigns you can run are standard; all the characters live in the same world and on the same timeline. The eeps and stash you gain in one gm’s campaign can be brought over to another’s. Doyce makes it sound like the greatest thing since sliced bread. Pro: interchangeability, common experiences. Con: it’s still a pre-made campaign. I prefer gms on the fly.

**Think “The Shadow.” Any flick with a mad scientist. The Maltese Falcon. Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. The Tick, set in the thirties. Lee was a mad scientist; I was a Heinlein uber-chick in training; Margie was a girl reporter; Jackie was a wealthy society dame who likes to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong; Dave was an American martial artist. Doyce was nuts.

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