DeAnna Knippling

Trolls by Genre

I was screwing around with genres while journaling this morning:   Horror: We are all trolls. With a splash of terror: Everyone is a troll but me, and now they’re after me! Urban Fantasy: It’s the job of all right-thinking citizens to make a stand against trolls.  Especially, you know, if we’re getting paid for […]

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Book Review: The Imago Sequence

by Laird Barron. Spoilers. Reading this book, a collection of short “the horrors of that which is beyond our comprehension” horror stories, was quite the experience. The first two stories, “Old Virginia” and “Shiva, Open Your Eye,” bored me.  I’m reading Nightmare Magazine’s Top 100 Horror Books, so I’m expecting this stuff to be over-the-top good. 

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POV Musings

Point of view.  It seems simple:  either it’s first-person (the narrator is an “I”), second-person (the narrator is a “you”), or third-person (the narrator is either looking down on the scene like a god [omniscient], or is a “he” or a “she” [tight]). But…why? Which one do you choose? When  you’re studying POV–or studying how

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Playing with the Universal

Something I’ve been thinking about lately is the nature of story ideas and which ones will sell, be successful, all that.  Which, I guess, considering how many ideas I’ve come up with lately (I’m journaling 5-10 of them almost every morning), is probably natural. I don’t have anything solid pulled together yet, this is just

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The Nothing.

You remember The Neverending Story? I forget who recommended it to me.  I want to say it was this guy who had casually decided that I needed to be a pothead.  I have this vivid memory of walking beside a shelterbelt of elm trees with him and another guy who kept chewing on a grass stem.  They were

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The Outrage Machine

Over the last week or so, I’ve been trying to figure out how to describe the thing where certain people are just always up in arms over something. This is, admittedly, somewhat like a fish developing a word for water. I am trying to crawl up on land, as it were, but I’m still having

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