DeAnna Knippling

October 6: SCREAMING

  Oct 6: SCREAMING   I hate going to the grocery store.  It’s the little kids, you see.  Their parents wheel them around in the front basket of the cart, their fat little legs sticking out of the holes cut in the plastic.  Or they trail along behind them like ghosts.  And the crying?  Always […]

October 6: SCREAMING Read More »

October 5: MUMMY

  Oct 5: MUMMY The plague came from the melting snows.  They warned us about anthrax, the Black Death, smallpox varieties.  They didn’t warn us about the dead coming back to life.  The death metal bands had a heyday.  Churches burned.  “The end times! The end times!” You couldn’t call them zombies.  They didn’t lurch

October 5: MUMMY Read More »

October 4: SPIDER

Still no further word…I’ll update if I find out, but otherwise skip it.   Oct 4: SPIDER So I need to write a short horror story on the subject of spiders this morning.  The first temptation is always to go for the cheap scare.  Boo!  To play on people’s typical childhood fears.  And then you

October 4: SPIDER Read More »


I was kindly referred to the Dractober Facebook Group.  I’ll see if I can find something more specific than that if they let me join 🙂 You’ll note the difference between the title and the assignment…I didn’t want to deal with copyright issues over the character.  The parody song lyrics should be okay, though.  

October 3: LADY VAMPIRE Read More »

October 2: SKELETON

Caught up to the proper day.  Will update with source when I find out.   Oct 2: SKELETON Hugh’s limp had recently become worse, and he hated to say something to wreck his nieces’ and nephews’ fun, but he had to sit down.  Every bone in his body ached.  Everything felt slightly off-true.  He needed

October 2: SKELETON Read More »

October 1: RAVEN

I just found out about this today, so I’m slightly behind, but I’m going to leave the dates as is.  I’m trying to track down the source, but so far no luck.  Will update when I have it. Update: This list comes from Kirsten Easthope!   Oct 1:  RAVEN Outside my hotel room window on

October 1: RAVEN Read More »

Marketing bootstrap.

This marketing stuff gets a little easier.  As I try different things, as I get more feedback from readers, I’m starting to realize who my readers are and what they want.  Why me?  Why not Stephen King?  Or rather why me and Stephen King? What they want tells me how to market (not that I’m

Marketing bootstrap. Read More »

What do you have to say?

The loudest people in the room, the ones who dominate the conversation, aren’t the most interesting ones.  They mostly just have this trick of being animated while they talk.  Excited about what they have to say.  At great length and, often, volume.  Wit and charm help.  So does a sense of order in one’s storytelling.

What do you have to say? Read More »

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