Dream, 08/29/02. Lee and I are looking at a place where we can build our dream home, but the it turns out the place wasn’t what we wanted. It was more like an upper-middle class religious compound than a place for a home, no matter how much we liked our potential neighbors. All of a […]
And submission: Doyce kindly directed me toward a contest at New Genre. Squeaking in just under the wire, I’ve sent in “Abominable,” a horror story whose plot I shan’t reveal. It makes me shiver every time I read through it. Mostly because some of the scenes are set in the Great Plains during the winter.
Bluebroad (Snippet) Attachments can be so difficult to sever — unless one has, ah ha, a knife sharp enough to cut to the point. A heart-shaped scalpel. A straight razor to the affections. Ah ha. Brian had gone all to pieces when I’d confronted him about his behavior. No more cheating, no more lies, no