Adventures du jour! September 8

I got derailed again yesterday; I was starting to slip into “coming down with something” mode and let things just stop after a while. Read a bunch of romance web comix. Several that I like are on hiatus; in one of them, the second male lead (whom I like better than the first male lead but that’s a personal choice) did something stupid and it’s annoying the piss out of me that I won’t get updates for a while AND when I do, he’ll probably cock things up even further.

I’ve been thinking about putting the rough details of the ending of my WIP up on Patreon when I start publishing so people can pay $10 or something and find out whether XYZ dies, who gets together, whether kittens and puppies are harmed, etc. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve skipped ahead to the end of one of these things in order to find out whether I’m going to be able to stand to read all the way to the end or if I’m just going to be pissed off forever.

Went to bed early, slept until morning, woke up feeling better. Stress sets me off and makes me sick, but down time will usually kick yuckiness to the curb. I currently have that luxury so I took it, but felt bad about doing so.

This morning’s yoga, the energy was outside my body and upwards again, for which I was grateful: I wanted to feel like I was picked up and lifted. It was nice. Eventually I got things back inside my body, though, while doing backbends over the foam roller. I also did more proto-pigeon poses to start working on my hips, which were sore most of yesterday. Traps were fine.

I did not want to be seen this morning. I made myself take a selfie. I’m tired of taking selfies. It turned out pretty well. I still struggle to look at myself. I feel like I should get a cheap tripod or something so I can move further away from the lens. I’m tired of arm’s-length selfies. Regardless, I’m going to keep taking them. BLUH.

On the walk, the traps and hip would tighten and I’d stop and relax. That helped with pain in the traps but not the hips. I should probably look up the muscles in and around my hips. Got eyeballed a couple of times and catcalled once again this morning and let it go; none of them were the same guy as before and they looked like Southern Friendlies with Poor Impulse Control rather than I Will Stalk You dudes. I walked into an area I don’t normally go, about an hour later than I usually walk, so there more people in general. I’ll reassess tomorrow morning whether I want to walk in the same area or not; there was a LOT of traffic at that time and I got tired of walking with that many cars vrooooming a foot away from me. I wanted to walk to the grocery store and pick up some coffee and some ginseng tea to help stretch out my ADD-related meds. No answer from the doc yet.

When I got back, I did some homework for a class. I considered doing exactly what I was supposed to do, but fuck it, I’m past that level. I’m going all ham on the assignment, because I have been going all ham on shit like this for years and I’m not going to “not overthink” this. I LOVE DOING IT LIKE THIS. So I’m gonna. I already found a writing technique that’s new to me doing it like this. Nyaaaa.

Then I got to talk to a friend about her story (hi, Marla!) and told her a MUCH abbreviated version of the anime Trigun because it sort of sounded like where she was stuck in her story. I left out how funny it was, but now I keep thinking that one of the characters in my WIP (Logan, the goob) definitely draws from Vash. Just not the laugh, though. I don’t think I could write that laugh. Words may not be capable of capturing that laugh.

Writing is a struggle today; I’m working on an infodumpy sort of scene full of phone calls and meetings about technical details. How would character X track down prostitution and/or human trafficking given information Y? And do it in a short enough time that it can help serve as insurance for character Z poking around?

I’m making a guess that I’m going to run by some people later; character X has access to some in-depth financial records. I think the method I picked will be believable but maybe not accurate. I hung a lantern on it by saying that it was pretty stupid of the bad guys to handle their finances in a certain way. I’ll think about it more later. Something feels off.

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