Adventures du jour! September 22

Disrupting my routines this morning coz I’m agitated. The guy with the problem with AI and pumpkin spice lattes that I’ve been bitching about over the last few days on locked posts has been blocked.

He just kept…trying to erase what he’d done, pulling a complete 180 via messages, brown-nosing, trying to overflow my buffers about how his wife knew he was a good guy, etc.

I didn’t stop to explain to him why I blocked him, but I took screenshots of the conversation and added them to the original comments screenshots.

I went to bed last night still upset and creeped out. I got up this morning and went, “I am not this guy’s rehabilitation center. It doesn’t matter if I’m triggered because of the ex; I’m triggered because the whole sequence of events was passive-aggressive bullshit.”

Just UGH.

The whole vibe was

YoU’d Be PReTTiEr If YOu AGreEd wITH mE

and I just don’t need to be here for that anymore.

I promised myself a while ago that I wouldn’t hesitate to block people if I wouldn’t want to work with them as writers. That if their whole crew turned on me and badmouthed me because of it, I’d block them, too.

I don’t wanna work with the guy as a writer. I already low-key dreaded seeing his comments pop up. He negged on my post, then deleted his comments, then filled up my messages with a complete mealy-mouthed 180 on words. I don’t NEED this kind of energy in my life. I don’t NEED to be fair about passive-aggressive behavior that’s designed to take as little responsibility as possible while looking as good as possible. There is no fair about it. His words weren’t there to communicate; they were there to manipulate.

I am in charge of my mental health, and fuck that noise.

If it costs me “friends” and business relationships, well, I already know that putting up with stuff that makes me that kind of uncomfortable costs me in the long run. I tend to run toward discomfort rather than away from it because I like to push my boundaries, but I wasn’t pushing my boundaries–he was.

YOu hAVe tO bE nIce TO mE beCaUsE IM noT yELLinG

Bye, guy.

Off for yoga and walkies.

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