Adventures du jour! September 11

Slept well, slept a little later than usual, got started even later, so it was hot! And humid. There’s sweaty, dripping with sweat, and “this shirt is noticeably heavier due to sweat content.”

I did a bunch of yoga this morning; the one character I was hanging out with the other day kept nagging me to open my chest, which is apparently some version of “chin up, tits out” for people like me. I have trouble connecting to people’s tactful, censored versions of things sometimes. It made the warrior poses MUCH easier, like, “Wait, I didn’t know this *could* be easy” easier.

Out on the walk, that character and I argued the entire way, for like an hour and a half. (It’s been a while since I walked that long, particularly in any heat.) Her: chin up, tits out. You WILL get this. Me: I want to take pictures. Her: NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE A PICTURE. Me: You just think you’re bad at taking pictures. Her: Are your tits out? No. I don’t want to hear it. Me: I’m tired and my back is cramping. Can we rest? Her: Your back is only cramping because you want to take a picture. Me: At least let me stop for water. Her: Okay, you can stop for water and some pictures if you STOP IN THE SHADE. Me: I’m too tired to keep thinking about how I walk. Her: Good. Too tired means you’re too tired to fight it so CHIN UP TITS OUT. Me: I can’t hear you. I’m taking pictures right now.–In short, it was fun.

The sore spot on my back shifted a little; right now, my opposite shoulder is tired and the back of my skull hurts. Today is a bad ADD day; I’m not focusing well and my ability to chill is reduced but not wrecked.

I’m trying to figure out what to do about Patreon; they apparently fired their entire security team “for reasons lol” and aren’t handling the reactions in a responsible manner. Like, if you’re gonna fire your entire security team and it’s likely to become public, shouldn’t you also have a press release related to that? Or at least a blog post? But they don’t. Also, they don’t have an easy way to back up posts. I ended up finding a WordPress plugin that lets me sync Patreon to WordPress. WHEW. It’s at least partially working.

I need to figure out what to do instead, but at least everything is somewhat protected now, which is a relief.

My critical brain is trying to chew me up about the writing lately. “Who would even read this? What makes you think it’s any good?”–I think that while I’m *not* writing, though. While I’m writing, I go, “I *do* need to read this through again to make sure there’s enough depth, but now is the time to be writing this type of content, that is, building side characters and subplots and exploring themes. Right now it’s stuff about shadow economies alternating with the power of asking just slightly too many questions, along with a complete mini-mystery puzzle–which sounds logically good, but makes part of me go “danger danger this won’t work!!!” I hear you, critical brain, but this is what we’re doing right now, and you’re not in charge of liking or not liking things; readers are. Do YOUR job, critical brain, which is to figure out how you want our online business to be set up before we finish this book and potentially open up some floodgates. That would be super valuable, thanks.

I’m gonna finish up that classwork that I was going overboard on, then get to writing. Happy Sunday! May your creative work eat up your troubles today.

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