New Release: Uncollected Anthology: Beasties

Uncollected Anthology: Beasties 

Universal Book Link | Goodreads (reviews)

All sorts of things make their way into a city.

They come, they breed, they adapt. One day, you’re looking at a raccoon breaking into a garbage can.

The next day, you’re not sure what you’re looking at, but it has intelligent eyes, lizard scales, and tentacles.

Should you get rid of it, or try to tame it? Spray some repellant, set out cheese for a midnight snack, or set the whole city on fire?

Can you make friends? And if you can, will it be more trouble than it’s worth?

Or will it lead to something glorious?

Uncollected Anthology: Beasties features 8 stories of beasties big and small, the ones we can live with—and the ones we can’t!

Featuring my story “Wee Beasties”!

Something’s going on in the new apartment building.

Something small…something blue…something that likes to steal things out of your kitchen trash can.

Not a rat, not a mole, not a vole, not a gopher…what?

The only way to find out might be to catch it!

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