Blog header for the novel A Dark and Cozy Night by DeAnna Knippling, image of a winding mountain road leading to an isolated cabin

New Release: A Dark and Cozy Night

My new novel, A Dark and Cozy Night, is now available! For readers who enjoy Ruth Ware, Knives Out!, and Agatha Christie. The main character is an author of historical mysteries who finds herself drawn more to the dark side of fiction after the accidental death of her husband.

Cover of Dark and Cozy Night by author DeAnna Knippling, image of a winding mountain road and an isolated cabin

Just Because You're Good Doesn't Mean You're Nice

You need to write, I told the newbie writers at the writer’s conference. Unused gifts turn to poison.

What I didn’t tell them was that I was currently drinking that poison myself.

Liz Hicks is a mystery writer whose husband, Jack, died a year ago during a motorcycle accident on a rainy, winding mountain road.

One of the first things she did after the funeral was investigate his death.

She already had a working knowledge of how to kill people: poisons, sniper rifles, drug overdoses, locked rooms, improvised weapons, and, most importantly, how to get away with it.

Flashy deaths, interesting methods, exotic motivations.

Jack’s death, on the other hand, hadn’t been the least bit suspicious. Just an ordinary accident.

But still. She has to know.

Why does Jack’s death feel like it wasn’t an accident?

Six months past Liz’s latest book deadline, grief still owns her, body and soul. Then one night after a writer’s conference in the rain, Liz returns home to find that someone has trashed her entire house but has stolen only one thing…

…her dead husband’s favorite possession.

Then the phone rings. It’s Liz’s elderly friend Maddy, reminding her about a card party at Maddy’s house. Everyone on their whole mountain road promised to be there, making it the perfect place to ask everyone in the neighborhood a few discreet questions.

Seriously, though. Who wants to annoy someone whose profession involves researching murder and getting away with it?

Join Liz for a dark and cozy mystery on a dark and stormy night!

You can purchase A Dark and Cozy Night at most online book retailers. Let me know if you can’t–I’ll try to track down how to get it there. There’s a print and an ebook version, but not an audio version. The print version may be slightly delayed due to hijinx at the distributors but should at least be available for preorder. You can find the individual store links here:

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