Tales of the Normal: 31 Days of the Horrific & Mundane, Day 10

Flash fiction project: one dark story per day, all the way through October, each one based on one normal thing gone wrong. More of this year’s stories here.  You can find last year’s stories here, or at Amazon as October Nights.

Normal thing:  Dressing up really fancy for not fancy dinners


We didn’t always dress up for the tea parties that we held with our dolls, but when we did, we wore my adult cousins’ prom dresses.  The dolls wore the clothes that you made for them, for the dolls that was, hundreds of hours of fine crochet.  We would drink tea and lemonade and have little cookies and you went to the trouble to buy me a tea set with a teapot with a spout that worked, a real miniature teapot that could fit in the palm of my small, sweaty hand.  I am making this up, by the way; we never had tea parties together, not unless I was two or it was for someone else’s benefit. Instead I remember you brushing my hair and screaming at me for letting me get it tangled one minute, and pleading that it was too pretty to cut the next.  I gave you a tiny, perfect teapot later, so you could have tea parties with your dolls and your granddaughter, whose hair I have also seen you brushing, although because I was there to see you, as you told her that it was right that she suffer in order to become more beautiful, you did not scream.

Dark, strange, twisted, and wonderful – #paranormal #horror and #mystery stories from Wonderland Press.

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