Kate over at KT Literary reviewed 50 first pages over at Miss Snark – it starts here.
Here’s what I learned:
- So far, I see I give people about four-five sentences before I’m bored.
- Grammar issues are grating.
- I hate running into a plethora of weird names.
- Irony is good.
- I want to start off with character + action, not just action.
- NO MORE EYES. (Eyes rolling, etc.)
- After a series of pages without action, a page that handles action well is a breath of fresh air.
- People who talk down to MG audiences make my teeth grate (Hello? Remember fourth grade? You were SMARTER than that).
- I want to say I just don’t care for women’s fiction, but it’s not true–but I know that’s not true–but the women’s fiction barely gets a sentence or two before I’m tired of it.
- Fiction vs. the moral of the story = give me fiction!
Control Issues and No Pet is Worth All This! are the two I hope get published, so I can read the rest.
Also, I don’t want Kate’s job.