Santa Claus. Maybe this is just too much sugar-coated goodwill for you. What are you, some kind of Nazi? I was six or seven when I found out that Santa Claus wasn’t “real.” Two bullies a grad older than me spent a day tracking down little kids and mocking them for believing in such a […]
Plotting. When you read a scene in which someone is describing something that happened somewhere else, what you’re reading is twice the work of your regular, it’s-happening-right-now scene. You have to plot out the events that happened elsewhere, you have to plot out the here-and-now. Both sets of events must happen in your head as
DMV/IA. My experiences with the Iowa DMV, trying to clear an error off Lee’s driving record, were, to say the least, unpleasant. Call one: Me: The insurance co. would like a letter of clearance… IA: We haven’t sent out letters of clearance for five years. Me: Is there anything you can do to help me?
So what do you believe in? Depends on what frame of reference you’re using. What do you call someone who believe that what she believes depends on the frame of reference used? I’m trying to think of a word, but…I can’t narrow it down to just one word. I’m a post-modern pluralistic magician (not pagan)