Brenna. We got to watch Brenna, Ray’s toddler friend, today. Well, it was during nap time. Ray decided to wig out while Lee and I tried to do yoga, so I ended up holding Ray and providing moral support. Ray cried and cried…finally, Brenna had had enough of the sadness, said, “Where’s mommie?” and started […]
More potty training. My life doesn’t revolve around potty training the way it must seem like it does. I swear. Yesterday, Ray climbed up on the closed toilet while I ran water for her bath. She’d stripped off her diaper already. “Day,” she said. This could mean any number of things, like “Daddy,” or “There.”
Potty training update. I don’t think I mentioned this earlier… We have moved the potty chair into the bathroom. Ray likes to practice. She’ll follow me in, sit down, and pretend to go. This is somewhat embarrassing when she starts making grunting noises, but I get over it. Then I hand her a piece of
Project. The thing that’s sucking up my brain power this week is a big project for work: voila, give a training session for the QC department on how to give feedback. Coaching. Step one: What? Step two: But I suck at coaching. And I know nothing about giving presentations. Step three: F— learning experiences, man!
The Fourth. My brother-in-law, Mike, came up over the weekend of the fourth. We had Stacy over for a barbecue…I took Ray (by myself, those lazy bastards) to see the fireworks. Oooh…Ahh… Unfortunately, she got bored with the fireworks about five minutes from the finale, and started flirting with a big puppy-dog instead. Fell asleep
Reviews. Princess Mononoke, God Save the Mark/The Hot Rock. Princess Mononoke. From what I understand, the same director did this and Spirited Away. My apologies to Neil Gaiman, who did the English version of the script (and damn! did he do a good job. Yes, Doyce, it does look like the characters are mouthing the
Tappity tappity tappity. Over 200 pages on the novel. Nyaah. Not anywhere near done. I’d say this is going to go to about 600 pages or so–not book pages, but standard manuscript format pages. I’m still in the beginning stages of the plot, the part where things get more and more complex, and the stakes
Palmer Park. There’s a street that I pass nearly daily, called Palmer Park. Weee-eeell. Until Sunday I did’t know that there’s also a park called Palmer Park. I had intended to take Ray to a playground on the corner of Academy and Maizeland, when I noticed a road leading to the north from the turnoff