Those D— Friesian Horses! cheval-de-frise (shuh-VAL duh FREEZ) noun plural chevaux-de-frise (shuh-VOH duh FREEZ) 1. An obstacle, typically made of wood, covered with barbed wire or spikes, used to block the advancing enemy. 2. A line of nails, spikes, or broken glass set on top of a wall or railing to deter intruders. [From French, […]
Assess. We finished up the first section of the game last night. Many thanks to Doyce, Jackie, and especially Justin, who’s been watching Ray and Kitten (the other little girl)–we couldn’t have done it without him, and them. And thanks also to a great group of players. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes
Creativity. I’ve been packing in too many things lately. Funny, how that stifles creativity. So the better part of this week, I’ve been crossing things off the to-do list with glee. Haven’t written, just brainstorming plot for the next big section that’s coming up–and doing most of that subconsciously. It’s been a week of vivid
Revision. Synopsis of a good book, titled Revision, by David Michael Kaplan. The steps of revision: Revise before you write: make guesstimates of your plot, find out what it is that’s valuable, and try to find ways to revise your ideas of plot based on where you think you’re going to go. I.e., don’t just
Book of Shadows. I’m doing some more research for the book, which has hit a bit of the doldrums due to me not knowing how I’m going to pull off what I’m doing next. So…more witchcraft books. One on Celtic Faery magic, “Elemental Power,” by Amber Wolf, and “Witch Crafting,” by Phillis Curott. Per the