Bittersweet. Here is the story of my boss’s adoption trip to the Ukraine. He and his wife adopted two children, a boy and a girl, two years ago, and decided to return for two of the girl’s friends this year. They left just after the recent re-election in Ukraine. They’re returning with one of the […]
The Five Irregular Men. My cousin Heather taught me this song. Her parents gave her THE LOOK and said it was INAPPROPRIATE. CHORUS: * There were five, five constipated men in the Bible, in the Bible.There were five, five constipated men In the holy books of Moses. Oh, the first, first constipated man Was Cain,
Da Law. I happened to look up Murphy’s Law the other day. Interesting stuff. Here’s the origin of Murphy’s Laws: [Murphy’s Law] was named after Capt. Edward A. Murphy, an engineer working on Air Force Project MX981, designed to see how much sudden deceleration a person can stand in a crash. This website has a
Black History Month February is Black History Month. At work this month, we’ve been getting daily emails about great black inventors: Those Who Dared Friday, February 11 Lonnie Johnson – Mechanical and Nuclear Engineer Company Profile: “We at Johnson Research & Development Company, Inc. (Johnson Research)specialize in the proprietary development of high technology environmentaland energy
Good book. The Curious Eat Themselves, by Jon Straley* “She had the wobble-necked look of a self-aware drunk who fully understands reality is basically an ironic joke that no one else gets. She looked around at the early morning crowd and announced, ‘I need a line of cocaine as long and fat as my arm
Personality Test. Muahahahahaha! Wackiness: 42/100 Rationality: 56/100 Constructiveness: 34/100 Leadership: 64/100 You are a SRDL—Sober Rational Destructive Leader. This makes you a Mob Boss. You are the ultimate alpha person and even your friends give you your space. You can’t stand whiners, weaklings, schlemiels or schlemozzles. You don’t make many jokes, but when you do,