So help me if I have to type this out again, there will be beatings. You know what? I no longer have a superstitous dread of telling people about my ideas for stories before I’ve finished the story itself. You know why? Do you know how much work I’ve put into learning how to write? […]
Bebe, updated. Cheerios! List of foods: mama-milk, rice cereal, bananas, peaches, and cheerios. She cannot yet pick up the cheerios, although she can hold one in her fist and suck on her fingers until she forgets what she’s doing and lets the cheerio fall out. And this morning she noticed her own shadow for the
Gay? Gay? Waaaaaaah! A couple of chicks at work were discussing some TV host that was coming out of the closet. “No way is she gay! Oh my god! That’s like… that’s like…” I jumped into the conversation. “That’s like Bruce Willis saying he’s gay! “Bruce Willis is not gay!” I said, “Good. Because every
Divorced people sure can be bitter about the opposite gender. Divorce ran in the family along with wide hips and a faithful craving for chocolate. From mother to daughter, daughter to son, there passed an eye of watchfulness and an eye of charity. The eye of watchfulness watched the husband, watched the wife; the eye