Murder, mystery, and suspense. Lately, one of my projects is to read up in the mystery field. When I was a kid, my parents got me a subscription to Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, which, I’m happy to say, is still running. While I liked the magazine, I eventually dug myself so deeply into sci-fi, fantasy, […]

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More Zoo. Please note: all of this occurs while in the possession of giraffe crackers. So the first animal Ray sees is a yellow-bellied marmot. Scratch that. She ignores the marmot. I’m a little nervous…perhaps she’s too young for the zoo. The first animals Ray sees is a pair of oriental otters who come right

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Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. After two days of roundabout hijinx, we go to the zoo on Thursday and purchase a season pass. Bebe’s first trip to the zoo! It’s springtime. This means two things: the zoo hasn’t geared up for the summer crowd yet. And…well…it’s spring. There are things they don’t tell you about spring in

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Irony? Why is it that when Lee has a day off, I don’t get anything done online? Oh, yeah. One of those computer-tech-liveth-here ironies involving networking with dual boot systems.

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CRAP! You know how I said that you could have my ideas for free? I lied. You can have my ideas, but this guy can’t. The Best of All Possible Beauregards is based off a wild, mildly-educated guess that resembles this idea…only instead of a ring I’d be talking about a hypersphere. CRAP CRAP CRAP

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Oh, this is just too good. Via ***Dave, I hear that Google now does the news. Not only does Google post the top headline, national, and world news stories, it posts the top versions of each headline. You get ’em all: the Washington Post, BBC, CNN, Reuters, Toronto Globe & Mail, etc. And you know

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So help me if I have to type this out again, there will be beatings. You know what? I no longer have a superstitous dread of telling people about my ideas for stories before I’ve finished the story itself. You know why? Do you know how much work I’ve put into learning how to write?

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Yay! I had a talk with Lee last night; we agreed we’re not doing enough stuff together. To reduce the discussion like so much cream to alfredo sauce, we’re going to go to the zoo one day (yay me), and Lee gets a slug-spoilage day, a whole day (after I get back from work) when

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House dreams. Do you dream of a house? A particular house? Is it a real house? Do the rooms contain familiar objects or familiar people? What’s your feel of the house? Does the house change? My house dreams are never of a house that I know or recognize; there’s always someone chasing me. I can

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Bebe, updated. Cheerios! List of foods: mama-milk, rice cereal, bananas, peaches, and cheerios. She cannot yet pick up the cheerios, although she can hold one in her fist and suck on her fingers until she forgets what she’s doing and lets the cheerio fall out. And this morning she noticed her own shadow for the

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