Good news, bad news. The good news is that Ray’s starting to become aware of the “pee” function of her genetalia, which means that down the road, hypothecially speaking, we should be able to potty-train her. The bad news is that she decided to demonstrate her awareness by standing up in the bathtup, squirting water […]
Talk. Okay, I think we can declare Ray officially talking now. She’s been talking for a couple of weeks. I got her, Sunday, to say “Daddy, where are you?” It comes out as “Daee wah-you?” The catchall word that means everthing has been “Go!” “Let’s change your diaper.” “Go!” “Are you tired of sitting in
Ouch. Stacey (Matt’s wife) just got back from vacation to discover that…the gent that had been watching their house had flushed an upstairs toilet, and the toilet had clogged. Fine. Well, it was the toilet that kept on running ’till you jiggle the handle. Everything is mostly OK. Nevertheless, she’s had a bad friggin’ week.
Well. As it turns out, with the determined additude that you needn’t accomplish diddly squat, many things can be done without much skull sweat. So far: Wednesday. Did the remaining twelves pages of data entry on the novel; I’ve been writing it longhand and typing it into the computer. Why? I have a toddler. It’s