snippet: Mysterioso, or, Well, I Ran That into The Ground. Shadows of sharp edges surround me, but my shadow is soft and wavery. Like my mind, it insinuates itself into the odd and random corner without seeming to. I am…Mysterioso. Actually, I’m wondering why I’m writing this. This morning on the way to work, I […]
Forth… Fifth…Sixth…Heh. The big news is that Ray has started crawling. Neck and neck with babyproofing. All sharp objects and poisonous substances are above floor level and locked up. Baby gate protects the furnace room. Outlet covers taped over the cat’s claws, subversive literature (Curious George) prominently displayed, plexiglass covering the computer cordage. She’s not
Snippet: Nothing You Do Makes Me Happy. My jaw dropped. She shrugged. “I’m not human, you idiot.” She shrugged again, and her body fell out like a cheap hair extension. I didn’t have to say a word. Not necessary around telepathic aliens. Talk about relationship problems. I giggled like a girl. “No, not all women