Adventures du jour!
After spinning myself up about something, I got a sinus infection (not a surprise). I took a bath and played Baba Is You for a while. Baba Is You is a delightfully simple game about WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I’M A WALL NOW redefining meaning. I didn’t get very far but had fun. Ray brought me tea and snacks and pizza rolls.
Thing: done. Didn’t get yelled at. Feeling: much better.
I decided to try to make French Onion ramen yesterday but didn’t get started until late this morning, so I probably won’t get done in time for today. The onions are sliced and tears have been shed. I’m waiting to start the carmelization on them until after the pork bones are roasted, though, so I don’t have to fuck around with juggling trays on the stove. In short, there will be More Tears soon.
Yoga yesterday: skimped on it, too sore, felt incipient yuck. Walk yesterday: probably overdid it. I got lost in a new neighborhood with a golf course threaded through Very Large Houses. I’m used to golf courses in Colorado being in set-apart areas. It was really weird to see the golf course holes just scattered around, surrounded by old-growth trees.
No fiction writing done, only a couple of smaller Midjourney things. I played around with a friend on some fun prompts, but they were her prompts and I’m not sure whether I should share them. I tried to get her prompt to pick up on a different prompt that I was running (to get her character to wear a necklace of mine) but was only successful in getting the character to wear a necklace, not one using the same style as mine. I’m trying to convince another aficionado to friend me on Discord so we can play.
I’m almost at the inflection point of the book, approximately halfway, and I’m at the point where the massive plot twist is creeping toward the surface. I’m not sure whether it’ll work. Like, it probably will; my subconscious is REALLY sure about it and very insistent. I just can’t see hoooooow.
What I think I should be doing is escalating the tension and stakes by having bad things happen to the main characters. What IS happening is that the bad guys have just realized they fucked with the wrong character and they’re scrambling to undo it somehow without actually undoing it. I get that part. What I’m struggling with is how to relate that without switching over to one of the bad guys’ POVs. In another book I might try that, but this is a romance-with-adventure, damn it, not a thriller, and I’m not going to do seventy different POV characters or spend a lot of time inside the bad guys’ heads. Fuck those guys.
Subconscious has insisted on listening to a particular song on repeat all day so far. It’s not a DeAnna song but a Goth Girl song, which probably means that her POV should come next. I should wrap up the Goob scene and see what trouble Goth Girl gets into. I *think* I know what she gets up to, toward the end of this section, but I think this is something else.
But the Goob and Mr. Assassin have some allies to pull in, so maybe it’s just that All Hell Cannot Yet Break Loose.–It’s supposed to be Mr. Assassin’s turn to POV next.
Me: My apologies on stealing your scene.
Mr. Assassin: Never apologize for sending in Goth Girl to stir up trouble.
Me: G&T?
Mr. Assassin: Don’t mind if I do.
Yoga this morning: the hip still hurts but it’s not at “Jesus fuck” levels anymore. Solar plexus released a couple of times yesterday but has been off and on; chest, neck, and head are still stiff and grindy-feeling. I thiiiiiink I had a root release this morning, or at least a bit of one, and got a nice pigeon pose out of it. New additions: I added a spinal twist to chair pose, and that’s good so far, extending arms overhead for the tree pose, also good, and working toward the one-legged Warrior pose, hahahaha no. I did some lizard pose, but it doesn’t feel challenging, so I might rethink that. I did happy baby, too, which I haven’t done for a while.
The walk this morning was good but I felt like I wasn’t all there. I took pictures and let the subconscious do whatever it was trying to do. It was one of those mornings where most of the processing power was tied up in non-conscious resources. I’m just gonna let whatever it is run.
Time to switch over the onions. Wish me luck.