Side rant. September 12

Writers venting destructively about writing.

Rant follows.

Sometimes I see meme-type (not personal) posts venting about writing on my feed that are fucking stupid and worse than unhelpful, outright destructive of writerly sanity and joy.

I’ve learned to leave those posts alone. I can’t make the people sharing these things stop hurting themselves through the power of their own internalized bullshit.

But do me a favor, okay, and just STOP SPREADING THIS SHIT AROUND.

I’m too close to a defeatist frame of mind to let the sentiment pass by without it getting under my skin. I see it and I have to purge it.

Writing–creating art–isn’t just hard. It’s harder than we can know, because it involves the subconscious. Every time we make it out like it’s drudgery or impossible or excessively frustrating, it’s like telling a two year old they’re unlovable and too hard to care for.

Just don’t. It’s not funny, it’s not a joke, this is your precious inner child you’re hurting. I hide the posts so I don’t have to see them. But stop being mean to my friend.

Thank you.


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