
Ray’s birthday was on Sunday. We took her to Ocean Adventures in Denver, which had many fish. And other stuff, like otters and tigers. Ray and I went over almost the whole thing twice; Lee petered out after the first time through.

Birthday presents. The computer Lee’s setting up for Ray isn’t ready yet, but there were extenuating circumstances, for one thing motherboard betrayal. I got her a Candyland game (pieces lost already) and a Powerpuff Girls comforter — which became HER blanket as soon as she’d opened it. Grandma Kenyon (and Dale) made a surprise visit (see below) and brought her a soft pony that pretends to drink from a bottle, and Brenna brought her a Care Bear (complete with video — sigh). The folks called to make sure she knew they were sending her stuff, too. Does she have too much stuff? Most of the time she goes out of her way to share, so probably not.

I liked the spread-out aspect of it; there wasn’t a day when everyone mugged her for pictures and dumped a lot of stuff on her. Overwhelming, eh? So she had time to play with everything and appreciat everything. By the time her actual birthday came around, she was telling everyone else to have a happy birthday, too. Plus she got to have two cakes, which is saying something when you’re three.

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