June 2011

The Society of Secret Cats

Now on sale at Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon. Use your free coupon code, CK46K at Smashwords, to slip away into dreams… The Society of Secret Cats by De Kenyon Lost in dreams, Ferntail must rescue his human girl from nightmares.  Will a mysterious and beautiful cat from the Society of Secret Cats lead […]

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Death by Chocolate Review

It suddenly occurs to me that I can brag about getting nice reviews!  I mean, I’m not the brightest lightning bug in the woods, but it does sink in eventually… The folks over at Bab’s Book Bistro reviewed Death by Chocolate.  Is sooo nice 🙂 If you’d like to check out the book, it’s at Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes

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Good News Thursday

I have stuff to celebrate today!  No new book contracts or anything, but good stuff.  Plus, I have enough on the alien feast done that I don’t want to spend an hour researching stuff this morning…WRITECITEMENT! I bought up the leftover Choose Your Doom:  Zombie Apocalypse books back from the Pikes Peak Writers’ Conference.  So

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Linguistics ponder.

I admit that I haven’t studied much of linguistics.  I’m reading The Stuff of Thought:  Language as a Window into Human Nature, by Steven Pinker, and it seems like one of the base assumptions that I have never seen questioned (not just in this book so far, but in all the limited linguistics that I’ve

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