April 2011

Death by Chocolate on sale!

Now at Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Death by Chocolate She could have everything she ever wanted…except chocolate. Ellie can’t see it, but she’s a saint. A good girl who takes care of her Grandie at the nursing home, recycles other people’s trash, and worries about getting her loans out on time so she

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Indy Publishing Series

To prepare for a talk at Pikes Peak Writers’ Conference, I’ve been posting things on my regular website about Indy Publishing.  It’s a try/fail kind of thing; however, if you’re interested, the articles are here. I’ve talked about the money I expect to make and about the fact that a LOT of people are pouring

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Indypub basics: money

WARNING: Subject to headdesk and foot in mouth.  Please feel free to argue.  This is my learning experience, too, you know. Okay, to begin with, I’m stealing right and left from Dean Wesley Smith.  If you’re interested in the topic and you’re not reading his (and his wife Kristine Kathryn Rusch‘s) blog, you have problems.

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Maybe mornings are not the best, sharpest time to write blog posts, but that’s when I have time, so there you go. Yesterday Ray and I went up to Dave and Margie’s house for their Easter party.  It’s funny how good times are hard to describe, but bad times made good drama.  I had a

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