March 2009


We played Faery’s Tale from Firefly Games tonight with Ray, her first RPG. Lee GM’d. Game review: Good setting for kids: faeries vs. goblins. The rules were easy enough for Ray to understand (at 7.5 years old). The rules and character creation were not so oversimplified that I was frustrated. There are options for different

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Recipe: Angeled Eggs.

Easter is going to be a Ray Day, which works out pretty well, since it’s right around the half-birthday mark. We will spoil her rotten, favorite foods, treats, an Easter-egg hunt…the works. One day a year to spoil someone you love is not enough, you know? Special request: a silly-string fight. So we were discussing

Recipe: Angeled Eggs. Read More »

Snow Eve.

So I left work at noon-thirty today, because I’d finished everything except stuff I could work from home. It’s supposed to snow all night tonight, and part of the day tomorrow, and I doubt I’ll be heading in to work before noon tomorrow. Before I left, I put all the food I had at my

Snow Eve. Read More »

Recipe: Fish Tacos.

So the plan was to make fish tacos. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten to pick up beer and cabbage. I decided to walk to the Mexican grocery store and get the cabbage, then stop at the liquor store on the way back. On the way to the grocery store, which was about a mile away, all told,

Recipe: Fish Tacos. Read More »

Weekend in Review.

Friday. Worked on a freelance murder mystery expansion pack for Freeform Games. Gave up on it; it felt like pulling teeth, trying to write out character sheets for my ten characters. It seemed like such a good idea, too: motive, method, opportunity; participation in major pre-existing plots; goals; bonuses; loves, hates, knows. Sucked the life

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