February 2011


You can hate me if you like. Ever since I started freelancing, Sunday nights have not gotten any better; I still dislike them.  They’re all about not doing something, and instead getting ready for Monday. But I like Mondays now.  It’s this chance to reassess where I am, freelancing, and kind of start all over […]

Mondays. Read More »

Writer Group

I had people over for writer’s group last night. Jalen got lost on the way to the house, and I had to talk her down on the phone.  Because Lee normally makes the coffee, I ended up making coffee for the first time in maybe a year and a half and forgot to put the

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You know, I always feel self-conscious about talking about the mice in our house, as though people are outraged that I have mice in my house.  Yet they aren’t. I think we’re moving into an endgame.  I hope. The fight against the mice is hampered by the necessity to not actually kill them; killing them

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In Love with the Ocean

I was talking to Lee last night and came to the conclusion that I’m having an affair with the ocean. Whenever I’m around it, it’s this magnetic presence that takes over my brain, as in, ocean ocean ocean did you know there was an ocean over there? I see the particular quality of sky that

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January writing stats.

Poem: Wrote “What You Call for Will Come” – 1 rejection, 1 rejection total. Short stories: Wrote: Blind Spot (SF) Creators of Small Worlds (H) In the Groves of Lord Satsuma (F/H) Published: The Business that Must Be Conducted in the Dark (SF/H) at Silverthought Rejections: 13 (Total submissions in last 12 months – 118,

January writing stats. Read More »

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