- Yay! REALLY unusual words. http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/unuwords.htm I've never heard of a bunch of these. #
- @ChuckWendig Huh. I just made that last night, with mini dried shrimp. in reply to ChuckWendig #
- I am freeeeeeeee! Fulltime freelancing has begun. #
- @averagebetty Cap vs. no cap post-colon: Use house style guide or sheet; if no guidance provided, make sure it's consistent. in reply to averagebetty #
- @averagebetty I just read this yesterday–you MAY use the cap post-colon if it's a complete sentence after the colon. But your discretion. #
- This morning's goal is to complete the rewrite of Ray's story through C8, then clear out inbox (brag sheet, critique blog, org signing). #
- Chapters done. "She used the bathroom, washed her hands, and looked in all the drawers while the water was still running." #
- Mission impossible! da da da da… #
- Working on brag sheet (finally). #
- @ianthealy Riiight. Didn't you just tell me that S-Team was four years old, and you're getting a story published in thousand faces? in reply to ianthealy #
- The PPW May Brag Sheet is up at http://blog.pikespeakwriters.com/?p=111. #
- Down to the last two e-mails, which are going to have to wait until tomorrow! #
- @ianthealy Are you *hairflipping* me off? in reply to ianthealy #
- @ianthealy Or is it what happens when you buy a toupee, wait for it to increase in value, then sell it again? in reply to ianthealy #
- @averagebetty Yay! You can't help but profit by good grammar. in reply to averagebetty #
- Dropping another story off at the post office today, which will make six stories and one novel out for subs. #
- That's the second time a potential client has asked if I'm on Skype. Dear fate, I get it. I'll talk to Lee about it tonight. #
- Chapters 9-12 for Ray's. "Oh, great," a voice from the top bunk said. "I'm trapped on a pirate ship with someone who gets sea sick." #
- Looking at an old story to see if I can should send it out again. Not as bad as I feared. Messing around with awkward constructions. #
- Apparently, it's now un-American to ask companies not to shit where they eat. #
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