Neat! I always knew those Canadians kicked ass. On Spec is a Canadian SciFi print magazine that has graciously posted a list of Thou-shalt-nots and the related Turkey City Lexicon. But here’s the cool stuff. My brother-in-law Mike (hi, Mike!) gave us a copy of the book Complete Idiot’s Guid to Publishing Science Fiction. I […]
Mrs. Kurtz, On Hold, part the fourth. Note: The hubby’s name has been changed to Marcus. Mrs. Kurtz squealed. “Marcus!” “What about it, woman? Can’t you see I’m busy?” Marcus flipped through a copy of the TV Guide. “Fine,” she said. He wanted to watch cable television when he could have been using the internet,
Writers? Maybe this is you. Do you remember all the people, as you were growing up, that were going to be writers? What happened to them? Especially that one kid in junior high–oh so much cooler than I–who wrote that great sci-fi military story, the one I dared criticise, because I just do? I started
A creature of habit. Before I forget, here are some of the things Ray’s doing: Banging two rocks together. Or anything. Making a race for the plug-ins, mouse/keyboard cords, and the kitty’s tail. And getting closer every day. Picking up things and shaking the hell out of them. If she likes them. Putting everything in
More Mrs. Kurtz: On Hold, ep. 3 But the voice of Jim T. Biggins continued: At first, it was just the cleaning staff. We never could keep cleaning staff. A couple of night-watchmen. Support personnel. Forms processors, accountants, mailroom staff, file runners. Finally, even the phone staff– YOUR CALL IS VERY VALUABLE TO US. PLEASE