October 2017 Flash Fiction – Horror

October 22: Jack-o-Lantern

  Oct 22: JACK-O-LANTERN   We carved the turnips and other roots with their eerie too-real faces, Against the spirits and fair folk, from their barrows now abroad. The demons and the devils set up their tricks in secret places, The sun was set and the witches and the warlocks shed facades. ’Twas time for […]

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October 18: VAMPIRE

  Oct 18: VAMPIRE   The night before I took my first writers’ retreat, I had a dream about a vampire.  God!  You know what I’d been scared of encountering on that trip?  Not vampires.  Ghosts.  I knew other writers who had gone on the retreat, and about half of them had either seen a

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October 17: OWL

  Oct 17: OWL   The old barn doesn’t smell like much when it’s cold, but in the summertime when the sun slices through the cracks in the boards it smells sweet, like straw and old manure.  The wood creaks in the wind, it creaks underfoot.  Up in the lofts it smells sour, because there

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October 16: SKULL

  Oct 16: SKULL   Stop me if you’ve heard this one. … So a guy walks into the Hangar Bar last Sunday night, well after the game had wrapped up, with a big fake skull under his arm.  I mean, this is no normal-sized skull, it’s as big as a beach ball.  There are

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October 15: BLACK CAT

  Oct 15: BLACK CAT   I first encountered the woman in black on a moonless October night in dreams. I, Ferntail the Cat, was gathering information on a certain nightmare that had recently begun encroaching upon my ward Jaela’s dreams.  Once she was solidly asleep, I had entered the realm of dreams and traveled

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October 13: BAT

Oct 13: BAT   You’re watching a surreal Italian horror movie and a bat is ravaging a woman’s hair, trying to bite at her face. It’s a stuffed monster.  Real bats don’t do that. … You wake.  It’s a hot night, the window is open.  Something dark flutters in the room. “It’s nothing.” You go

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